1976: My Senior High School picture taken approx. 5 months before the lump appeared on my face.
Read MoreOffering support & understanding for those with difference & for everyone seeking truth, harmony & a healthy life!
There is a beginning & an end to cancer: the “beginning” is all about the disease and treatment & the “end” is all about whether someone lives or dies. But what about those in the “middle” – the inbetweeners who lived but suffered serious lifelong consequences from the “treatment” – consequences they never knew would change their life! What about them?
A Face In Time is about the beginning, middle, & end for Judy when diagnosed with a malignant facial tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma (in 1977) at the age of 17. She had no idea that Western medicine would betray her when seeking help. She had no idea that radiologists & oncologists would almost kill her with treatment or radical surgery. She (nor her parents) ever knew that radiation would fuse her jaw, destroy the vision in her left eye, destroy her skin and hearing in her left ear, and cause her to lose one-third or her hair. That was her “beginning.”
What about the middle? She had no idea that 65% of the reconstructive surgeries and repair she underwent years later (damage caused by radiation treatment) would cause more harm, including facial paralysis! Judy is not the only one whose story is never heard. For decades, many never wanted to know that treatment can kill or injure, and many never survived like Judy because she ended all her treatment (when her prognosis was only 6-month to 1 year to live) and inhumane care.
A Face In Time was published in 2004: the story covers 1976-1998, from the time she developed the lump (at 16) to 1998 (at 38) – when she underwent her last reconstructive surgery. It also carries you through her life with family, friends, and work…and all the medical interruptions. This Anniversary Edition has some add-ons: including an Afterword which captures the last 20 years (2003-2023), revealing emotional and ongoing dental complications.
Her memoir is here to open your minds and a dialogue about the in-betweeners – the reality of how millions have endured the unthinkable – accepting the unexpected lifelong damage from treatment. It’s never okay to hide the truth, and the truth is what Judy will share with you.
Found on amazon: https://tinyurl.com/ytv966eu
By Judy Ryan
Introduction: My Ozone Discovery
It was God-guided (not by chance) when several months ago (in June), I was determined to find a naturopathic dentist and stumbled upon (online) one who I was skeptical of but instinctively knew I had to speak to. After being around 64 years -- accepting care all my life from traditional dentists (with regrets), it was time to seek a dentist outside the box.
I suffered uncommon dental challenges the past 47 years after my jaw was fused (with a ½” opening between my teeth) from damaging radiation treatment to the entire left side of my head & neck (at 17); a story that is far too long to share. Even though I’ve always been a curious & cautious soul (one of the reasons I’m still alive), I unfortunately had faith & trust in standard dentists. I say unfortunate because knowing what I know now, I have to ask myself, “Did I have to lose 11 teeth?” Fast forward to the last couple years and I became more aware of naturopathic dentists who offered alternative restoration for teeth & gums vs common tooth “removal” & popular dental implants (a “growing” money-making business!).
In June, when I encountered an unusual dental condition -- a foul leakage from the upper left side of my mouth, I knew that standard dentists would be clueless & either prescribe an antibiotic or recommend the area be biopsied. I knew the drill. So, when I discovered Dr. Emma Abramyan’s website (who goes by Dr. Emma), I was intrigued because not only was she a biological dentist but was an ozone therapist. Ozone therapist? I was puzzled how “ozone” missed my personal tracking system for safe, alternative treatments.
Because Dr. Emma offered excellent data on her site, defining ozone & its methods, I was fascinated & when I called to share what I was dealing with, she had every desire to help. Her first question was, “Do you have a recent cone beam CT you can bring or send to my office?” If you’re not familiar (I was vaguely familiar), in my own simple terms: a cone beam is an X-ray (similar to a dental panoramic X-ray that spins around your head) that is used primarily for oral & maxillofacial needs, providing an amazing 3-D view of your skull & tissue -- helping doctors identify the areas needing repair. Because I didn’t have a CT scan, having one taken was going to be my first step when seeing Dr. Emma; it would help her locate the source of the foul leakage.
As I mentioned earlier, I was intrigued by ozone & Dr. Emma -- so much so that, even though I lived in AZ, I had no problem traveling to California to see her. Well, let me tell you -- meeting Dr. Emma far exceeded my expectations! She was thorough when questioning my health history & reviewed the cone beam results with me in detail, which was a bit creepy because it showed what I knew but never saw: I was missing most of the bones on the left side of my face (again, part of my long cancer/radiation treatment story). Dr. Emma’s recommendation? Ozone injections to the upper area of my mouth – possibly 3 injections in the front, middle, & back. She explained there would be no after effects, but a little initial pain from the injections. Once she explained what the injections were capable of, I agreed.
Ozone has a very distinct smell. Not a bad one, but a smell that is strong & slightly annoying -- something I will never complain about. I’ll now jump to the unexpected: I was staying with my sister, brother-in-law, & nephew while in California, and when my sister picked me up, she wasn’t fully confident about this “different” kind of doctor & treatment, & I was cautiously optimistic. Dr. Emma said she could not forecast how long it might take for me to notice a change so I did my best to be patient. But being patient was not necessary because shortly after the injections, the leak stopped! I stayed with my sister the rest of the week to be on the safe-side, should the leak reoccur, but it never did! It was gone! Never, in my lifetime…never did I encounter such an instant, harmless cure! I have no doubt that I will always reflect on this treatment as “magical,” because it was!
The Crime of Silence
The reason I decided to share my experience before discussing what “ozone” actually is & what it can do is because, despite my relative knowledge of alternative healthcare modalities, I was angered that dentists, oral surgeons, & periodontists “never” mentioned ozone! And the question was, “why”? Why was ozone not well known or publicized, especially when it’s been around for over a century? It’s also worth mentioning (if you haven’t already noticed) that dentistry has turned into a circus with offices everywhere and dentists (I suspect) who are minimally educated & still practicing harmful root canals. When I returned home after my magical treatment, I searched for more information on ozone & found a number of YouTube videos that offered assorted examples of its use – some that went back as far as 12 years. It was unfortunate that on one of the videos, when a very expert doctor was being interviewed & asked why he thought ozone wasn’t well known, his response was: “I don’t know.” Sadly, I suspect he was protecting his image & credibility – claiming to be innocent of the obvious…it was all about money!
It was clear that ozone is no different than ivermectin, laetrile, & dozens of other safe & effective, affordable treatments that are capable of eliminating health conditions without perpetuating frequent, unnecessary doctor appointments, ineffective prescriptions, & antibiotics. All were “silenced” & considered “unproven” and their benefits had to be suppressed because they didn’t provide the revenue that “well known” junk can generate…& most important, ozone was not “official” & FDA approved! Money has always been the reason why cancer cures have never been exposed, & why successful, powerful treatments like ozone have been kept low on the medical radar!
Here’s one clear example of how its use is “questioned” & “discouraged” to the public: Below is the introduction to an article on ozone found online: MedicalNewsToday, by Tom Seymour (May 24, 2023):
Ozone therapy is a controversial alternative medicine practice that uses ozone gas to fight disease. Currently, there is not enough evidence to conclude that it is effective or safe for medical use…In 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned against using ozone therapy. This is because there is not enough evidence to conclude that it is effective or safe for medical use.
Even more egregious are the first two sections (a) & (b) in FDA’s Title 21, Volume 8, Subpart H – Medical Devises – & the first 5 words, “Ozone is a toxic gas…” -- words that are intentionally designed to drive the reader into “fear” & “skepticism.”
Next is another statement from the National Institute of Health (NIH)/National Library of Medicine:
The usage of ozone in dentistry has been proposed because of its antimicrobial, disinfectant, biocompatibility and healing properties…Despite these advantages, therapeutic ozone’s application in dentistry is limited because of its possible side effects.
Interesting verbiage: it states the benefits but leaves the reader with suspicion because of its possible side effects!
And finally, one last comment from the Cleveland Clinic/health essentials site:
In 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning against using ozone therapy. This is because there isn’t enough evidence yet to prove that it’s effective or safe, says pulmonologist Vickram Tejwani, MD. “There may potentially be a role for ozone therapy someday, but right now it hasn’t been studied enough,” says Dr. Tejwani. “We need more data on the potential side effects, which could be severe, before we start offering it as a mainstream therapy or treatment.”
All statements are offensive! And the common, outrageous thread that runs through them all: There’s not enough evidence to prove that ozone treatment is save & effective!! Really? One of the top medical ozone experts in the US, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, is considered the “father of ozone therapy” & author of The Ozone Miracle: How You Can Harness The Power Of Oxygen To Keep You And Your Family Healthy; he states in his book, “In the past 30 years more than 2,500 papers on the medical use of ozone have been published in peer reviewed medical and scientific journals.” Not to mention, Ozone and Its Therapeutic Action, a book that was published in 1929 & authored by 40 medical hospital leaders who shared positive results from ozone!
Of course, there’s data (not officially provided by the FDA!), but when you have doctors like Tejwani who kick the can down the road, they will always make ozone sound potentially unsafe. Interesting, isn’t it, how contradictory this country’s medical industry is -- repressing ozone due to so-called “lack of data,” when Covid vaccines were celebrated to save lives, yet caused irreversible harm & deaths to many (how “many” we will never know since injuries & deaths were never accurately recorded & counted). Still, the false propaganda continues -- encouraging the brainwashed to come back for more!!
No question, “lies” have become second nature in all national health institutes: FDA, CDC, & NIH. There is no greater phrase from our 47th President, Donald J. Trump, when it comes to re-setting our country’s government: “Drain the Swamp.” When RFK assumes his role as Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services, I trust he will work to reform the corrupt medical bureaucrats & “Drain the Medical Swamp!”
As I mentioned earlier, ozone has been around a very long time & was medically used in the 19th century. There were a number of advancements that unfolded over the years, but I will keep it brief & focus on a few. To begin, in order for ozone therapy to be administered, a generator had to be created. This devise transports oxygen through a tube (with an electrical current) so 3 magical atoms (otherwise known as O3) can be produced & administered to the body in a variety of ways. Werner von Siemens, a German electrical engineer, was the first to create the device in 1857, & fast forward to 1896, Nikola Tesla, a brilliant inventor (who moved from Croatia to New York in 1884), not only patented & sold his first ozone generators, but founded the Tesla Ozone Company & was the first to develop ozonated olive oil.
According to PurO3 (a current leader in ozonated oils), the surgeon general approved ozonated olive oil (otherwise named Glycozone) for healing purposes: inflammation, wrinkles, & pigmented skin spots, to name a few, but once the FDC took over, pharmaceuticals led the way & ozone products fell by the wayside. Since then, there has been a very slow emergence/awareness of ozone & it’s benefits. Until it is “officially” tested & documented by the FDC (which is highly unlikely), it will remain hidden & suppressed.
By the way: According to World Popular Review (WPR), the independent for-profit organization that delivers up-to-date global population data & demographics, “There are currently 14 countries that allow ozone therapy, a controversial medical treatment that involves inhaling a variant of oxygen gas.” It’s no surprise that WPR would have to undermine ozone’s approval in multiple countries by noting that it’s controversial! Bottom line, the US, world, & national organizations cannot admit that ozone is beneficial & it’s a disgrace that so many countries allow the therapy & the US does not!
Should you become more educated on the use & application of these oxygen atoms, you might want to consider purchasing a generator for personal home care! Imagine being your own doctor or nurse & using the generator not only for health issues, but for preventive care! Exercise caution, however, when purchasing this device –- in order that it operate at its peak performance, it must fulfill a number of specified guidelines. Dr. Shallenberger provides the best details on what to look out for in his book (which I mentioned earlier & is noted below in Resources).
Cost? I explored Southern Star Scientific online (also recommended by Dr. Shallenberger) to explore a few options & the prices ranged from $1,295 to $5,795 (without accessories). All things considered, if I chose the EXT50 model which is the least expensive, that could be a very worthy investment (with a potential life expectancy of 20 years) -- models that are considered the highest quality in the industry.
Therapies & Treated Conditions
Here you will find a range of ozone therapies & health conditions, along with some websites you can visit below (under Resources). Ozone not only excels at disinfecting areas afflicted with bacteria, viruses, & fungus, but it also regenerates tissues without harming healthy tissue!
When ozone treatments are used in conjunction with chemotherapy & other prescription drugs, harmful and/or painful after effects can often be minimized or eliminated. There are a generous number of methods in which ozone can be administered, and not all are listed below. Also noting, you will often see the word “insufflation” – this is a method when ozone gas is blown into the necessary body cavity through a tube.
And below is a mere sampling of health conditions that ozone therapy has been successful in healing and/or improving.
Summary & Self-Care
I trust that most readers know that Wikipedia is often filled with contrary data, & that of course includes ozone, “Ozone therapy has been sold as an unproven treatment for various illnesses, including cancer, a practice which has been characterized as "pure quackery." As I already mentioned, evil is deeply embedded in our so-called medical industry & has been filtered through every channel of media – filled with lies & contradictions. Discovering this gem for the first time continues to enrage me because I missed out on so many opportunities the last 4+ decades when I encountered so many dental infections! Finding ozone & other safe, effective treatments is like traveling an underground railroad: In order to escape to safer, harmless treatments you need to continually search, & if you’re lucky you’ll uncover it through word of mouth.
Dr. Shallenberger is quite a realist when it comes to health care & ozone therapy & would like to close with a few of his wise words:
“You are going to have to take matters (health conditions) into your own hands. If you are waiting for the government or the medical industry to solve these problems you might as well dream on…You have the power and the ability to solve these problems. And unleashing the power of ozone is big part of that answer.”
If you’re discovering ozone for the first time, like I have, I hope you will further explore its magical healing potential! Oxygen is essential: it’s the air we breathe & holds countless possibilities to heal our bodies once its atoms are tweaked! There’s no greater gift!
An Oasis of Healing: A Holistic Cancer Treatment Center where ozone therapy is one of their methods; www.anoasisofhealing.com; 480.568.1706; Mesa, AZ
Holistic Dental Wellness of Los Angeles: Dr. Emma Abramyan/Certified Biological Dentist, Certified Ozone Therapist & Diplomat of the American Board of Lazar Surgery; https://dremmaabramyan.com; 818.638.3074; Glendale, CA
LIFEWORKS Wellness Center: Offers holistic treatment including ozone therapy -- seeks to find the root cause of health issues; Dr. David Minkoff, Co-founder & Medical Director of LWWC; https://www.lifeworkswellnesscenter.com; 727.308.7171; Clearwater, FL
Promolife: Gerry and Yvonne Segal are Creators of Promolife – A source of ozone information with guides & manuals; offers products ranging from therapies, oils, supplements, & detoxification machines; www.promolife.com; 1.888.742.3404; Fayetteville, AR
Pur03: A division of Promolife, offers ozone products for skin & dental issues; they are the undisputed leader in ozonated oils; https://shop.puro3.com; Fayetteville, AR
Southern Star Scientific (SSS): Where Legendary Longevity generators are found. SSS prides themselves on purity, precision, & quality; https://www.ozonegenerator.com; US Customer Service, 1.833.405.5949 & International 001.833.405.5949; Oro Valley, AZ
The American Academy of Ozonotherapy (AAO): This website is worth visiting -- designed to educate the public & health professionals on the medical benefits of ozonotherapy. Their purpose is what all medical organizations should represent: “…to enhance the health and well-being of people through this safe, inexpensive, and effective therapy.” Those three magical words: safe, inexpensive, & effective are “true” & “authentic.”
The Ozone Miracle: How you can harness the power of oxygen to keep you and your family healthy: Written by Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD; His book is highly informative & has been utilized by medical professionals in the US; Published March 2017 & found on amazon; https://www.antiagingmedicine.com/staff; 775.884.3990; Carson City, NV
Truly Natural Healing: Center for healthy healing; Dr. Katka Novakova/Naturopathic physician & Medical Doctor; Provides ozone therapy & training; drkatkanovakova.com; 480.524.4304; Phoenix, AZ
Sharing data taken from Mayo Clinic’s website – one of the leading cancer hospitals in the country
I am “not” sharing this to endorse Mayo Clinic; I’m sharing this because “late effects” have not been taken seriously! Late effects are "not" rare, but conversations about cancer treatment's serious health consequences are!!
What cancer treatments cause late effects? Late effects of cancer treatment can come from any of the main treatment types. These include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation, surgery, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. As newer cancer treatments become available, these might be found to cause late effects, too.
Treatment | Late effects |
Chemotherapy | Dental problems, Early menopause, Hearing loss, Heart problems, Increased risk of other cancers, Infertility Loss of taste, Lung disease, Nerve damage, Memory issues, Osteoporosis Problems with digestion, Reduced lung capacity |
Radiation therapy | Cavities and tooth decay, Early menopause, Heart and vascular problems, Hypothyroidism, Increased risk of other cancers, Increased risk of stroke, Infertility, Intestinal problems, Lung disease, Lymphedema, Memory issues, Osteoporosis |
Surgery | Lymphedema |
Hormone therapy | Blood clots, Hot flashes, Increased risk of other cancers, Menopausal symptoms, Osteoporosis, Sexual side effects |
Immunotherapy | Joint or muscle problems |
Targeted therapy | Blood clots, Heart and vascular problems |
What are the late effects of treatment for childhood cancer? People who underwent cancer treatment as children may be at risk of many of the same late side effects that can happen after cancer treatment in adults. Childhood cancer survivors may be at risk of additional late side effects. That's because children's bones, tissues and organs grow quickly. Cancer treatment can interfere during this critical time of growth. Late side effects in childhood cancer survivors depend on the type of cancer and treatment. The age at which you were treated may determine what late side effects, if any, you might have.
Childhood cancer survivors experience some of these late side effects:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you, a family member or friend have been advised to undergo standard cancer treatment, do you want yourself or others to risk further health challenges down the road -- including "other types of cancers"?
My choice? I will never again inflict pain & poison in my body from standard cancer treatments -- that is what I consider self-inflicted cruelty! I'm living multiple health conditions from radiation because my parents & I were "never" told there were serious health risks later in life! But now you know! Do not allow a deadly prognosis generate fear & unclear thinking! Safe options are available! I am not the only one who survived because I walked away from the death sentence of chemotherapy.
You have an advantage that I never did; you know the "dangers" of standard treatment -- dangers that can perpetuate & create other dis-ease. You have an advantage to make a wise decision! ❤️
Always be aware, honor, & never forget those who have & continue to suffer from the C-19 vaccines.
They are our Vaccine Veterans!
The end of November 2021, I posted 2 files that I created to assist those who were dealing with health issues as a result of C-19 vaccines. My intention was to add personal data to a PDF file that others could visit and learn from. I shared easy steps on how to navigate the files on a video: "A Village of Voices for the Vaccinated!"
Unfortunately, despite my following, no data was added. What I did discover, however, in December, was an amazing site that offers similar information, but in a different fashion: Real Not Rare
>> Please note: RNR, which has been around now for 3 years is now transitioning on January 5th to the incredible site of: Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.
I hope you will visit VSRF, and if you are someone, or know of someone who is still not well as a result of C-19 vaccines (or other vaccines), I highly encourage you to seek the research & support that is offered by doctors on this site!!
** My sincere wish & hope for everyone is to think critically, be wise & kind to others, and most of all...do not be fearful! **
Vaccine Safety Research Foundation
1976: My Senior High School picture taken approx. 5 months before the lump appeared on my face.
Read More1977: Receiving radiation treatment at UCLA.
Read More1977: Mug shot taken right before radiation treatment began.
Read More1985: My cheek when it was not filled in with harvested fat or soft tissue.
Read More2021: Behind the patch
Read MoreIf you have any questions or recommendations, please drop me a line!