Judy Ryan is a cancer "treatment" survivor of over 4 decades. At 17, she was diagnosed & treated at UCLA for rhabdomyosarcoma, a malignant facial tumor that occupied the entire left side of her face (& pushed inside her mouth between her teeth) from temple to chin. After 4 months of damaging radiation & chemotherapy treatments, she was given 6 months to a year to live. No hope, recommendations, or options were offered.
Then the unlikely occurred...she ended chemo because of its deteriorating effects and after a month of being toxic-free she started to recover, and has not seen an oncologist since!
Tragically, there was irreversible damage from the radiation: permanent hair loss to left third of her scalp, complete loss of hearing in her left ear, damage & blindness in her left eye, aged & damaged skin, a fused jaw that reduced the opening between her teeth to 1/4"...and more. The next 3 years were spent working part-time, going to college & graduating Magna Cum Lauda with a BS in Fashion Merchandising. In her 20s & 30s, Judy worked in retail management & product allocation while undergoing 20+ reconstructive surgeries, many of which backfired, including facial paralysis.
Judy's focus has been & always will be to help others appreciate their difference and for everyone to approach conventional medicine with caution...because the results can often be worse than what ails you.